Saturday, March 24, 2012

Family Home Evening & Church Ideas

Ok, so I try to do family home evening every Monday night with my girls...and now that Bachelor is over it's much easier to accomplish haha! I just thought I would share a few ideas and tips I have on making it really easy(because fitting this in with everyday crazy life can actually be very difficult sometimes).  So first, I put together an entire book of ideas. Now this took me a few weeks to do, but man it is worth it!  I used a lot of lesson ideas from the Primary manual and that is really useful.  I also have living scripture movies and books so that was my main source too.  Now I can just flip through every Monday and just pick out what activity I want to do and it's all done. There are 40 lessons in here and the way we do FHE is like this.....There are usually 4 Mondays in every month, so I split them up by doing 2 gospel lesson-activities and 2 Mondays doing a family activity like going to the indoor pool, a park & picnic dinner (if nice weather), going to the movies, game& pizza night, etc.  This pattern works really well especially because I have younger kids that can only handle a 15 minute church type lesson! Anyway, maybe try making a binder one week like this and just devote your time to it bc when it's done and you have lessons every Monday for a long's well worth the effort!  

I also keep a church bag for every Sunday...ready to go, all I have to do is add the snacks!  I don't know if your like me, but I am ALWAYS late for everything with my kids trying to get out the door! So this really helps me always be prepared. I got a bag that you can put the crayons in the little slots, and I went to the dollar store and got bible coloring books for 1.00!!! I put in church related book and magazines and something to draw with, a few snacks and you don't need a fifty pound bag for church anymore( unless you have a baby of course...then you will always need an extra bag!) 

Here is an example of a fun lesson I have done with my girls last week....I found a bunch of church related pictures( of Christ, and things Christ wants us to do here on earth, etc) and I made little word strips to describe them.  Then I hung with sticky tack all around my house ( kind of hidden) and we went on a scavenger hunt for The Teachings of the Savior! My kids thought it was so fun to look around for them and when we found one, we talked about it!  Sometimes there was a song we had to sing or act out praying and being reverent in church hallways, etc. It was really cute and easy!

Those are my tidbits for the week on church life made a little easier! Hope you all enjoy!


  1. This is so cute! Thanks for the text message about your blog! If you message me your e-mail address, i'd love to have you follow my blog as well. Thanks for all of the great ideas!

  2. LOVE your ideas!!!! You are an AWESOME mom!!!!
